By jtsherkLAR 401, Spring 2016, North Carolina Museum of Art Bulb Garden, Raleigh, NC. During the HS 401 construction studio, I developed funding and partnerships that allowed my students to work with Dr. De Hertogh, the world leader in bulb cultivation, to create a stunning garden as the central feature for the NC Museum of Art’s Art in Bloom event in 2016. |Feature, NC State, Teaching
By jtsherkHS 401, Spring 2016, NC Association of Physicians Assistants Veterans Garden, Durham, NC. Memorial gardens pay tribute to fallen heroes, provide a place of remembrance for friends and families, and reflect the place and the people who developed them. Students worked with NC Association of Physicians Assistants stakeholders (mostly veterans) to develop and integrate the existing gardens and the adjacent area that contains a statue by artist, John Prazen, a Korean War veteran and Navy corpsman (USS Sperry). |NC State, Teaching
By jtsherkHS 401, Spring 2015, Mary Yarborough Court Holliday Hall Landscape Improvements. At the macro scale, the benefits of the urban forest include; 1- improvement of air and water quality, 2- reduction of heat island effect (caused by pavement without shade to be 50-90 degrees hotter than the air), 3- Reduction in stormwater runoff and pollution, 4- capture and long term storage of atmospheric carbon dioxide CO2, (which helps to mitigate and/or defer global warming) 5- increase in aesthetic value, 6- provides human recovery from stress. |NC State, Teaching
By jtsherkHS 401, Spring 2015, Kilgore Hall Nano Vineyard and Entrance Beautification. In keeping with the department’s teaching mission, Dr. Sara Spayd, the viticulturist collaborated with the class to design and build a trellis for growing grapes. Dr. Sara Spayd teaches the HS 423 Viticulture class, and she wanted to have examples of three grapevine growth types for her students to use during class. |NC State, Teaching
By jtsherkHS401, Spring 2014, The Wolf Plaza/Expression Tunnel Project, Plantings Project was designed and built-in collaboration with the NC State Grounds Management and Landscape Construction Services (GMLCS) office in the Facilities division. The project included the design development and construction of the ‘signature’ landscape for Wolf Plaza and its immediate surroundings.