
Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Publications

  1. Sherk, J.T., Fu, W. and Neal, J.C. 2020 Site conditions, maintenance costs, and plant performance of ten extensive green roofs in the research triangle area of central North Carolina, HortTechnology. 1-9. Retrieved Sept 25, 2020, Article
  2. Sherk, J.T. and Cobreros, C.R. 2019, Rural democratic design: Participatory design and service learning strategies in sustainable development to promote civic mindedness. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. Eds. Bohemia, E. Et al., Article.
  3. Huang, X. and Sherk, J.T.  2014. Evaluation and comparison of sustainability performance, visual preference, and area use in residential landscapes, HortTechnology 24(3):318–324 Article
  4. Tilley–Asher C., J.T. Sherk, L. K. Bradley, J.M. Lelekacs. 2014. Design matters in community gardens, J. of Extension. 52(1):1TOT9 Article
  5. Sherk, J.T. 2013. A service learning approach to community engagement in a study abroad design course in Córdoba, Mexico. NACTA Journal 57: 8–14 (special global edition). (Article)
  6. *Sherk, J.T. 2010. The Parque Del Este: a modernist landscape in Latin America.  In: Landscape Legacy: Landscape Architecture and Planning Between Art and Science, Maastricht Netherlands.  Council of Educators of Landscape Architecture pp.146–148. Article. 

Peer Review Cooperative Extension and Outreach Publications

  1. Li, Z., L.K. Bradley, Sherk, J.T. and A. Spafford. 2020. AG-883 Growing edibles in the landscape, North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Raleigh, NC. in press.
  2. Bradley, L.K., C. Gunter, J.T. Sherk and E.A. Driscoll. 2016. Central North Carolina Planting Calendar for Annual Vegetables, Fruits and Herbs. AG-756. North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Raleigh, NC. 6 pages. Article 
  3. Bradley, L.K., C. Gunter, J.T. Sherk, L. Driscoll, D. Lauderdale and C. Glen. 2016. Eastern North Carolina Planting Calendar for Annual Vegetables, Fruits and Herbs. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC State University, Raleigh, NC. 6 pages. Article  
  4. Bradley, L.K., C. Gunter, J.T. Sherk, L. Driscoll, D. Teasley, K. Roach. 2016. Western North Carolina Planting Calendar for Annual Vegetables, Fruits and Herbs. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC State University, Raleigh, NC. 6 pages. Article
  5. Fu, W., J.T. Sherk, Neal, J.C. 2015. Plant Selection for Extensive Green Roofs in the Research Triangle Area of North Carolina. North Carolina Extension, Raleigh, NC. Article
  6. Richter, K., L.K. Bradley, J.T. Sherk and M. Kistler. 2012. How to Create a Container Garden for Edibles in the North Carolina Piedmont. AG-753 North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Raleigh, NC. 8 pages. Article
  7. Bradley, L.K., C. Gunter, J.T. Sherk, and E.A. Driscoll. 2011. A planting calendar for annual vegetables, fruits & herbs in the garden in the N.C. Piedmont. 6 p. Article
  8. Moore, R. N. Cosco, J.T. Sherk, B. Bieber, S. Varela, N. Gurina, H. Vickery, J. Murphy. 2009.  Creating & Retrofitting Plat Environments, Best Practices Guidelines: Designing Play Environments that Integrate Manufactured Play Equipment with Living Landscape, The Natural Learning Initiative, College of Design, NC State University, Raleigh, NC. Article

Popular Press

  1. Sargent, K. 2020. Horticulture’s Sherk Shows Resilience, and Adaptability. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. July 15.
  2. Davis, C. 2019. Horticultural Science Students Design, Build Kilgore Hall Garden. NCSU Sustainability News. December.
  3. Shore, D. 2017. Faculty Focus: Julieta Sherk Wins Fulbright Award. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences News. February 17.
  4. Klocke, C. 2016. Sir Walter Raleigh Award: Public Service. College of Design News. Sept 6.
  5. Shore, D. 2016. Moore meets Matisse. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences News. June 21.
  6. Latina Leader of the Week. WRLA, April 5, 2016
  7. Arvifon, A. E., September 2014, “Beating the Heat – Students Mitigate Overheated Soil on Campus”, HS 401 Construction Studio Polk Hall Project, LA Magazine Article
  8. Jewel, D. 2014. Student-built urban design. NCASLA Design Awards.
  9. Davis, C. 2013. NC State innovative campus garden earns City of Raleigh Award. NCSU Sustainability News. November 22.
  10. American Flower Endowment, 2012. Floral plant giveaway aims to boost horticulture enrollment, American Floral Endowment News.
  11. Hunt, D. 2009. From the garden to the classroom; The people, news and ideas that shape NC State University. NCSU Bulletin.
  12. Moore, R.N., December 2007, “Reasons to Smile at Teardrop”, (participated in behavior mapping as part of post occupancy analysis at Teardrop Park, New York City, NY which was used in an article)Article 

Books, Book Chapters and Translations

  1. Mays, D., K. Richter, L.K. Bradley, J.T. Sherk, M. Kistler, and J. Neal. 2016. Plants Grown in Containers, Chap. 18, In: Moore, K.A. and L.K. Bradley (eds), Extension Gardener Handbook. NC State Extension, Raleigh, NC.  34 pages. Article 
  2. Sanoff, H., Sherk, J.T. 2018, Diseño Juegos; Jugando para Conservar las Decisiones de Diseño Personales y Ambientales, CA: William Kaufmann, Inc.1979 (translation 2018)
    ISBN: 1015368873594, 13 9781536873597  Book Translation
  3. Moore R., N. Cosco, J.T. Sherk, Play Core, Greening Play Environments, Success of plant material through the use of the best technical planting practices, 2009. Book 


  1. Sherk, J.T., L. Ivy, D. Bretzman. 2020, Service-learning in Landscape Design/Build Class: Exploring Hands-on Problem Solving, Skills and Confidence Building, Ethical and Environmental Responsibility, Critical Thinking and Professionalism, ASHS Annual Conference (online because of COVID 19).
  2. Bretzman, D., J.T. Sherk. 2020, Landscape Design, Implementation and Management of Seven University’s Landscapes through the Lens of Visual Perception. ASHS Annual Conference. (online because of COVID 19).
  3. Sherk, J.T. T. Mullins. 2020, Collaborative Learning in Dance and Floral Design to Enhance Exploration, Community, and Creativity, National Dance Education Organization Conference. (Cancelled because of COVID19)
  4. *Sherk, J.T., L. Ivy, D. Bretzman. 2020, Service-learning in Landscape Design/Build Class: Exploring Hands-on Problem Solving, Skills and Confidence Building, Ethical and Environmental Responsibility, Critical Thinking and Professionalism, EDULEARN20 Conference, Majorca, Spain (online because of COVID 19).
  5. Sherk, J.T., Cobreros, C. R. 2019. Community Design in Rural Communities: A Service Learning Approach Using Personalized Participatory Design Strategies to Address Complexities, Empower Community, and Balance the Need to Preserve Natural/Cultural Resources.  2019 Environmental Design Research Assoc. EDRA 2019, Brooklyn, NY.
  6. Fu, W., J.T. Sherk, Neal, J.C. 2016. An Evaluation of Site Conditions, Maintenance Costs and Plant Performance on Extensive Green Roofs, 2015 Environmental Design Research Assoc. EDRA 2016, Raleigh, NC. 
  7. Sherk, J.T. Delcambre, C.R. 2016. Preventing Obesity by Design (POD) Design/Build: Service Learning / Community Engagement within a Child Care Setting. Proc. 2016 Environmental Design Research Assoc. 46: p172. EDRA2016, Raleigh, NC.
  8. Sherk, J.T., L. Ivy, E. Meyer. 2014 Floral Plant Give Away as a Recruiting tool: An Evaluation of the Impact on Student Perception of Horticulture, 2014 NACTA, Bozeman, MT.
  9. Goralnick, M. and J.T Sherk.  2014.  Association of for Community Design Impact of Design Process on Expediting Community’s Recovery from the Devastation of Natural Disasters.  Association for Community Design Conference, Detroit. MI.
  10. Sherk, J.T.  2013.  Art in the Community Design Process: A case Study, 2013 Proc. Environmental Design Research Assoc. 44:p.242. EDRA 2013, Providence, RI
  11. Piner, L. Bradley, J.T. Sherk, W. Hooker. 2013. Rooting Permaculture in Community Gardens: A systems based Approach to Engaged Design, Environmental Design Research Assoc. 44:p.356.EDRA 2013, Providence, RI.
  12. Piner, A.E., L.K. Bradley, W.E Hooker and J.T. Sherk. 2013. Permaculture in Community Gardens: A Systems-based Approach to Engaged Design. HortScience Volume 48(9) S199 Supplement 2013. Abstract 
  13. Reynolds, D., L.K. Bradley, J.T. Sherk and J.L. Kornegay. 2013. Community Engaged Collaborative Design of a New Children’s Garden at a Public Garden. HortScience Volume 48(9) S158 Supplement 2013. Abstract
  14. Sherk, J.T.  2012. Being Open to Transformation through Social Action: A Community Design, Study Abroad, Bilingual Program in Córdoba, Mexico.  In: International Service-Learning as Revolutionary Pedagogy: Design Projects Community and Consciousness Proc. Environmental Design Research Assoc. EDRA 2012, Seattle, WA.
  15. Sanoff H., J. Hou, J.T. Sherk, P. Aeschbacher, K. Boone. 2011. International Service– Learning as Revolutionary Pedagogy: Design Projects of Community and Consciousness. 2011 Proc. Environmental Design Research Assoc. 43:p. 255. Chicago, IL.
  16. Sherk, J.T., 2011. Evaluating Pedagogical Approaches to Learning Planting Design, May 2011. Proc. of the Council of Educators of Landscape Architecture. CELA 2011 p. 232.–nature2011.pdf. Los Angeles, CA.
  17. *Sherk, J.T. 2010. The Parque Del Este: A modernist Landscape in Latin America Landscape Legacy: Landscape Architecture and Planning Between Art and Science, Maastricht, Netherlands. Proc. of the Council of Educators of Landscape Architecture. p.157., Maastricht, Netherlands.

*International Presentations

Posters Presented

  1. Sherk,T., L. Ivy, D. Bretzman. 2020, Service-learning in landscape design/build class: exploring hands-on problem solving, skills and confidence building, ethical and environmental responsibility, critical thinking and professionalism. ASHS Annual Conference, Online
  2. Sherk, J.T., L. Ivy, D. Bretzman. 2020, Service-learning in Landscape Design/Build Class: Exploring Hands-on Problem Solving, Skills and Confidence Building, Ethical and Environmental Responsibility, Critical Thinking and Professionalism, 2020 NCSU Teaching and Learning Symposium. Raleigh, NC.
  3. Bretzman, D., J.T. Sherk. 2020. Visual Preferences Identify Key Design and Management Practices for Seven University Public Open Spaces. Poster accepted to the 2020 Graduate Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC. (Poster session cancelled due to Covid-19 quarantine restrictions), Raleigh, NC.
  4. Sherk, J.T.  2019, Service Learning Promotes Civic Mindedness in Community Development, NCSU Teaching and Learning Symposium, NCSU Raleigh, NC.
  5. Sherk, J.T.  2019, Service Learning Promotes Civic Mindedness in Community Development, 2019 NC State University Research Symposium: Opportunities in Cross- and Multi-Disciplinary Research, Raleigh NC.
  6. Sherk, J.T.  2018, Service Learning Promotes Civic Mindedness in Community Development, 2018 NCSU Association Women Scholars, Raleigh, NC.
  7. Fu, W., J.T. Sherk, Neal, J.C. 2016. An Evaluation of Site Conditions, Maintenance Costs and Plant Performance on Extensive Green Roofs, 2015 Environmental Design Research Assoc. EDRA47 Raleigh, NC.
  8. Sherk, J.T., 2016. Service Learning and Community Engagement with the NCAPA Veteran’s Memorial Garden Stakeholders: Impacts of the HS 401 a Landscape Design Course. 2016 Community Engagement Symposium, NC State University. Raleigh, NC.
  9. Sherk, J.T. 2015 Community Engagement in Academia: A Landscape Design Course’s Impact, 2015 Engaged Scholars Symposium, NC State University. Raleigh, NC.
  10. Piner, L. Bradley, J.T. Sherk. W. Hooker. 2014. Rooting Permaculture in Community Gardens: A Systems Based Approach to Engaged Design, 2012 Environmental Design Research Assoc. Providence, RI. May 30, 2013
  11. Sherk, J.T., L. Ivy, E. Meyer. 2014 Floral Plant Give Away as a Recruiting tool: An Evaluation of the Impact on Student Perception of Horticulture, 2014 NACTA. Bozeman, MT.
  12. Piner, A.E., L.K. Bradley, W.E. Hooker and J.T. Sherk. 2013. Permaculture Solutions for an Urban Community Garden. American Society of Horticultural Science. Palm Desert, CA. Jul 22, 2013