
I’m passionate about teaching and have taken advantage of many teaching enhancement programs through the Office of Faculty Development including 6 reading circles, and have received my Certificate of Reflective Teaching.

I have implemented new teaching and classroom management strategies including flipping the classroom, active learning by peer instruction, reflection exercises, student-created evaluation criteria, and fostering professionalism.

My pedagogical goals focus on empowering students with the skills and confidence that will make them successful in their chosen futures in the broad landscape design field. I use service learning in engaged community design, and I cultivate the connection between my classroom and industry. As such, I provide my students with opportunities to employ newly learned skills and concepts in real-world applications. Via these methodologies, my students:

  1. Become empowered with real-world skills and strategies,
  2. Acquire empathy toward each other and the community,
  3. Develop self–directed critical thinking enabling them to solve problems in a richer and broader way, and
  4. Become exposed to cutting edge industry–sanctioned approaches.