Kilgore Hall Nano Vineyard

HS 401, Spring 2015, Kilgore Hall Nano Vineyard and Entrance Beautification, NC State, Raleigh, NC received a $200 donation and resulted in an $800 value in design and landscape construction

In keeping with the department’s teaching mission, Dr. Sara Spayd, the viticulturist collaborated with the class to design and build a trellis for growing grapes. Dr. Sara Spayd teaches the HS 423 Viticulture class, and she wanted to have examples of three grapevine growth types for her students to use during class. The informational sign would be appropriate and could be incorporated in the future. She joined the class to instruct on the requirements for the three grapevine growth types. With her help, students designed and built a trellis that includes a vine with vertical shoots, a vine with pendulant growth, and a Muscadine type of growth.  The Nano vineyard was built the Southwest entrance of Kilgore Hall and showcases grapes experienced by visitors and the Horticulture community alike.