By jtsherkLAR 401, Spring 2016, North Carolina Museum of Art Bulb Garden, Raleigh, NC. During the HS 401 construction studio, I developed funding and partnerships that allowed my students to work with Dr. De Hertogh, the world leader in bulb cultivation, to create a stunning garden as the central feature for the NC Museum of Art’s Art in Bloom event in 2016. |Feature, NC State, Teaching
By jtsherkHS 401, Spring 2016, NC Association of Physicians Assistants Veterans Garden, Durham, NC. Memorial gardens pay tribute to fallen heroes, provide a place of remembrance for friends and families, and reflect the place and the people who developed them. Students worked with NC Association of Physicians Assistants stakeholders (mostly veterans) to develop and integrate the existing gardens and the adjacent area that contains a statue by artist, John Prazen, a Korean War veteran and Navy corpsman (USS Sperry). |Teaching
By jtsherkHS357, Fall 2014 - The Peele and Leazar Halls Path Improvements Project was done in collaboration with the office of the NC State University Architect’s Facilities Division as the designer to develop the ‘Path’ for the existing roadbed between Leazar and Tompkins Halls. |Research, Teaching
By Brandon HopperHS401, Spring 2012-16, Solar Greenhouse, UNC Campus Community Garden, Chapel Hill, NC, resulted in a $2,500 value for design and $25,000 value for landscape construction ...