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Mary Yarborough Court Holliday Hall – Spring 2015

HS 401, Spring 2015, Mary Yarborough Court Holliday Hall Landscape Improvements. At the macro scale, the benefits of the urban forest include; 1- improvement of air and water quality, 2- reduction of heat island effect (caused by pavement without shade to be 50-90 degrees hotter than the air), 3- Reduction in stormwater runoff and pollution, 4- capture and long term storage of atmospheric carbon dioxide CO2, (which helps to mitigate and/or defer global warming) 5- increase in aesthetic value, 6- provides human recovery from stress.

The Peele and Leazar Halls Path Improvements Project

HS357, Fall 2014 - The Peele and Leazar Halls Path Improvements Project was done in collaboration with the office of the NC State University Architect’s Facilities Division as the designer to develop the ‘Path’ for the existing roadbed between Leazar and Tompkins Halls.