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Pedestrian access to the Rocky Branch Creek behind the Tennis Complex

HS357, Spring 2011 - An artful gathering space and pedestrian access to the Rocky Branch Creek behind the Tennis Complex at NCSU was done in collaboration with Dr. Barbara Doll, a civil engineer and Water Quality Specialist with NC Sea Grant.

H2O Flow environmental art sculpture

HS357, Fall 2010 - H2O Flow environmental art sculpture Town of Chapel Hill. In collaboration with the landscape architect and sculptor Dr. Michael Layne, students in Julieta Sherk’s Landscape Design Courses designed and built the artist’s design for an outdoor sculpture that increases awareness of the importance of understanding how man’s actions affect the land.

Wiley Elementary Piedmont Savannah Raingardens

HS357, Fall 2009 - Wiley Elementary Piedmont Savannah Raingardens, Raleigh, NC was done in collaboration with Sarah Palmer, Academically/Intellectually Gifted Resource Teacher, Wake County, and NC DNER, the raingarden and landscape improvements were designed to promote elementary student engagement with nature as a learning modality.