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Three Community Design Projects in Tilaco, Mexico

AR30-022, Spring 2018, Construction of Three Community Design Projects, Tilaco, Mexico, resulted in built landscape projects. Three co-construction projects were built with the community, including a community garden/workshop space, an improvement to the public library entrance, and improved seating at the central square.
Julieta Sherk demonstrating Kilgore Hall landscape design measurements

Kilgore Hall Raingardens

HS 272 Fall, Kilgore Hall Raingardens class consists of the development of design and construction projects, which incorporate the entire design process culminating with a complete set of construction documents, cost predictions, and built projects. Students met with University leaders to identify guiding principles form Campus Capacity and Assessment Study.

La Loma Community Greenspace Improvements

AR95-032, Fall 2017, La Loma Community Greenspace Improvements, Queretaro, Mexico, resulted in built landscape projects. The class worked with the community to co-design, fundraise, and co-build landscape projects with, and for the community. A small neighborhood entrance was improved, a pocket park was developed, and a children’s play areas was developed.

Beginning and Beyond Development Center Entrance

LAR 524, Summer 2016, Beginning and Beyond Development Center Entrance Renovation, Raleigh NC. Received 2016 Sir Walter Raleigh Award for Public Service. The North Carolina State University’s summer 2015 classes in Landscape Architecture Construction, Materials, and Methods and Planting Design integrated meaningful community service with instruction and reflection that enrich their learning experience, modeled civic responsibility, and strengthen the community.